Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stampin'Up! Convention 2013 - Brisbane

Wow, so the annual Stampin'Up! South Pacific convention this year was help in Brisbane, so with the help of my mum and my wonderful husband, I was able to attend. I have to say I had my doubts about it really being worthwhile, and I was wrong. Besides a bit of a lull on the second day in the afternoon, it was really well worth the money and hassle of going!

All the demos in the main theatre. I am in this pitcure, in the pink shirt on the left (not the one in the black jacket).

Special appearance by Ronald McDonald.

This is one of the freebie packs that we got - all Silver for SUs 25th birthday!

INKcredibles - the wonderful team that I am part of. I got to meet a lot of these ladies for the first time! I and standing in the front row about 8 in from the left in the black shirt!

Elice and me. My lovely team of 2!

Some of the highlights, freebies, gossip and news-

- SU are now sponsoring Ronald McDonald House Australia (they have been sponsering this in the states for years). There will be a stamp set available in the new catalog with $3 from every set sold donated to the Ronald McDonald House. There is also oppurtunities for SU demos to donate their time to the charity, and also donate cards for the occupents of the houses to use for free.
- The "Best Of"25 years of Stampin'Up! stamp sets that are being available monthly in the US are going to be available here!! The first one is starting in June and is the Best Of Flowers. We got to see a peek at this set and I am loving it!
- There will be some great new kits available in the seasonal catalogues. We got one set for free, but I can't show you any of that one for a while!
- We recieved a copy of the new catalog, along with a few sets of the new stamps. Yum!! I will be showing some examples using these sets in the next few weeks!
- I got to see a LOT of examples of all the great new products, and left with my head about to explode with all the ideas I want to try!
- We got to play with some of the new products including new additions to the trimmer, new framlets, moulding clay!! and candy dots!
- We got a little demo on how to use MDS, which I had to come home and play with straight away! So many ideas planned for MDS!!

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