Thursday, February 28, 2013

Small Prints

Do you like the look of using small photos on your layouts, but don't know how to print them that small? I have put together a small guide on a couple of ways I print my small prints.

The easiest and cheapest way is to resize your photos and add multiples to a standard 6x4 size.

One way to do this is to use Photoshop to resize your photos. Pros for using Photoshop is the ability to clean, repair, fix and crop your photos before resizing. Cons is the cost of the software, and can be very complicated to use.

Example of how to create 2 3x4 portrait photos onto one 6x4 file.
     - Open a new 6x4 file.
     - Open the 2 photo files
     - Using the crop tool, set the size to 3 inches width, and 4 inches height, crop the 2 photos
     - Select the first photo with the Move Tool and copy it into the blank 6x4 file. Move it with the mouse to the side on the file.
     - Select the second photo with the Move Tool and copy it into the new file. Move it with the mouse to the other side of the file.
     - Save your new file.

If you don't have Photoshop, there is a free program online called PHOTOSHEET. It is free and easy to download. Find it here. Pros for Photosheet is the price (FREE), and simplicity to use. Cons is no ability to fix or crop photos.

Example of how to create 2 3x4 portrait photos onto one 6x4 file.
     - Drag the 2 photo files into the "Files" section
     - Choose a sheet size of  4x6
     - Choose a layout of Grid 2(1x2)
     - Choose an output location
     - Click the Start button and the program will create a file in the directory you specified. It will have a name called something like "PhotoSheet 4x6 DSCN0944,DSCN0945).jpg"

This program also has the Rotate Individual Photos option so that you can add potrait and landscape photos onto the one file. Have a play with the different Layout options, you can create some great and fun collages to include on your pages.

I hope that you will have a play with these tools, and have a go at scrapbooking with smaller photos - I am sure you will love it!

"Raindrops" using 3 4x3 photos. Materials: Sunshine and Sprinkles Kit, Oh Hello Stamp Set, Pacific Point Ink and random letters.

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